Custom Design Minifigure Atomic Optimist
Custom Design Minifigure Atomic Optimist
Custom Design Minifigure Atomic Optimist Out of Stock
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additional image for Custom Design Minifigure Atomic Optimist
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Sorry this item is out of stock Custom Design Minifigure Atomic Optimist

A positive attitude is the order of the day with the 'Atomic Optimist'. Using her Golden Rule, she’ll find a way out of any situation, though maybe it’s her luck that plays a bigger role in her survival.  Whatever happens, the 'Atomic Optimist' will pick herself up, put on a smile, and look forward to her next encounter in the arid wastelands.


The 'Atomic Optimist' comes with an iconic wraparound print, a custom 3D printed hairpiece and wrist accessory in collaboration with inputbrick, and a custom Bricktactical vault pistol. All this will help make every encounter Okey Dokey!

Collect all of the 'Atomic Wanderers' and save when you purchase all 3 in the 'Custom Atomic Wanderers Minifigure Pack'!

Explore the radioactive wastelands and discover the post-nuclear civilisations with the 'Atomic Wanderers' custom minifigures, 3D parts, accessories and more! is a reseller for Visit to see their full range of custom figures!

Disclaimer: Please be aware that this product was created using custom designed artwork inspired by popular characters and is in no way affiliated or associated with copyrighted and trademarked products or brands.